Monday, May 9, 2011


Jacob cut another tooth a couple of nights ago. This time it's on the top right next to the the spot where the front teeth will be...he looks so funny. I LOVE IT!!! :)

Pictures? I think yes. :)

Me trying to get into the jaws of steel...
He's trying to cover the evidence with his tongue...

Aha! Success! At least you can see one of them... ;)

His favorite thing to do ever.

His big ole' "I love life" smile.

SO I pretty much take pictures of him all day long. I don't know what I'm going to do with all the pictures I've taken since he was born. I can't print them out at the Wal-Mart One Hour Print for sure...there would be some unhappy customers waiting behind me.

Speaking of Wal-Mart: the other day Jacob and I were shopping. Jacob usually does really well in stores. He's only gotten really cranky maybe twice where I ended up holding him and pushing the buggy.... But the other day was my FAVORITE. He sang through the whole store! (Yes, Jacob has decided to pursue his dream of singing at an early age.) Literally though, he hummed the entire time I was there....the sweetest little hums. Ever since he was born, Nathan and I sing to him...I don't know if that is why, but he frequently tries to hum along with us, and that day, he decided to hum to the rest of the store as well. It was a memory I never want to forget.

- I must add for all of you baby mommas. You gotta' have one of these:
Baby Shopping Cart Covers.
They are the best invention ever. This clever seat allows baby to sit without falling over, and also lets them chew/bite on whatever without having to worry about GERMS. I love it. 5 stars definitely.

Other news? Well for me right now, the days are filled mainly with housekeeping and baby loving. However. Nathan did get a new job! He is now an insurance adjuster at R. Warren and he LOVES it. God always provides for us, and this time He not only provided a job, but He also made it a place that Nathan can really enjoy working at. He is learning a lot and he tells me that the people there are already like family. I am looking forward to meeting them all. :)

What is that I hear? Yes, it sounds like a little boy talking to himself in the bedroom. Now that his main method of travel is "rolling" I better go! Goodbye for now!

Caitlin Noel

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