Saturday, April 16, 2011

Baby Days

It's been a while!

Actually we have been without internet for a few months. I have learned to figure out answers without Google....I simply call my sweet mother and ask her to look up a question on her computer. ;)

Really though, so much has happened. We had a baby! A beautiful boy on October 24, 2010. He is now almost 6 months old, and I don't know where the time went. I gave birth to him here in our little house... Nathan, along with the wonderful help of our midwife Kathy Williams, Gretchen Land, and my mom, was a big part of the birth. He never left my side. He coached me through 12 hours of labor and was there when little Jacob made his big entrance. I must say, I couldn't have done it without him. : )
Jacob is our little buddy.... I am so thankful God has blessed us with him. : ) He has become such a HUGE part of Me and Nate's lives. Actually I would just about call him an added appendage, since he pretty much stays attached to my hip, or within my site every hour of every single day. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Some things I have learned to do these past 6 months WITH ONE HAND:

1. Wash dishes
2. Cook dinner
3. Fold laundry...this one still needs work
4. Crack an egg
5. Clean up said egg
6. Change a diaper (the other hand is holding down a wiggling little boy)

Yes, being a mommy is hard sometimes, but it is definitely SUPER FUN. I love it. : )

I will post more later. I have vowed to start blogging more, so I promise this is not the last post for months. Until then, live like it's your last day to live! Praise God who gave you breath! And thank your dear sweet mommy who chose life. ;)

Love, Caitlin

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